Unmediocre x Rocky Point Ice Cream

Unmediocre x Rocky Point Ice Cream

Unmediocre Store x Rocky Point Ice Cream in Port Moody

When you search for "Rocky Point" online, Rocky Point Ice Cream (RPIC) is first on the search result with Rocky Point Park. That’s when you know RPIC is a Port Moody icon and a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Jamie and Yvette started RPIC in 1997, sourcing ice cream from another small batch operator in Vancouver, scooping out of a tiny kiosk. Fast forward to 2012, when the new building was due to break ground, it’s time to make their own small batch ice cream!

From a wee small test kitchen, Jamie and Yvette aimed to create the most irresistible flavours. They churned batches and batches of ice cream for the Ice Cream

Test Club – 30-40 (lucky!) friends and customers volunteered to taste test and provide honest feedback.

The result? Based on the long lineup for ice cream any hours of the day, any days of the week, we say they have succeeded.

Ice cream from RPIC is made from scratch in Port Moody using over 90% locally sourced ingredients.

Impressive eh?

Unmediocre & Friends – Undivided Community

Both Yvette from RPIC and Julie from Unmediocre enjoy collaborating with local businesses. Is it ever wonder that you’ll find Unmediocre loose-leaf tea in RPIC? 

Since 2013, Unmediocre is the proud supplier of Earl Grey loose-leaf tea for the Earl Grey & Honey Ice Cream and Matcha for the Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream at RPIC. The collaboration developed into a long-term relationship that we both treasure.

Unmediocre and Rocky Point Ice Cream owners collaborating since 2013Circa 2013, when we first started collaborating

Our Julie and Ron had a chance to visit Yvette and Jamie's new facility and witnessed first hand the passion and care they put into their products. It gives us pride that our teas are part of their scrumptious ice cream! 

Rocky Point Ice Cream now has locations in Port Moody, New Westminster, and a concession at Coquitlam Town Center Park. You’ll also find Scooper and Rocky, their roving Ice Cream trucks, around metro Vancouver!

If you haven’t tried Rocky Point Ice Cream, stop reading right now and go get some... like this:

Ron and Julie enjoying Rocky Point Ice Cream

Did you know?

Rocky Point Ice Cream offers over 30 flavours, including one called K9 for your furry friends. You'll also find a good selection of plant-based treats.

The average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 50.

Matcha green tea is one of the most popular flavours for sweets in Japan, especially in the form of ice cream. 

Earl Grey tea is a tea blend which has been flavoured with oil of bergamot. Depending on the flavour of the base tea, a tea master may decide to give a delicate tea a subtle amount of bergamot. Or a tea master may use a hefty dose of bergamot to balance a bold sharp black tea.

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